Overweight Cat Help

Keeping your cat at their ideal weight range and size with a safe diet regimen.

Obesity, an excess of body fat, is a major health problem in cats and is more common in middle-aged to older cats. Neutered/spayed cats and indoor ones tend to have a higher risk of obesity. Cats that are overnourished, lack the ability to exercise or tend to retain weight are the most at risk for becoming obese. Obesity results in serious adverse health effects and may reduce lifespan. Multiple areas of the body are affected by excess body fat, including the bones and joints, the digestive organs and the organs responsible for breathing capacity.

How do I know if my cat is overweight?

The best way to tell if your cat is overweight is to stand above your pet’s back and look down on him/her. You should be able to feel the ribs but not see them. If you can see them, your cat is too skinny. If you can’t see the ribs and when placing your hands on the side of their chest and still can’t feel them, your cat is overweight. Cats should also have a nice taper/tuck at their waist (between the abdomen and where the hips go into the socket). If it is very little or none at all, they are overweight, and they’ll be oval shaped.

How can I help my cat lose weight?

Before trying different food or lifestyle for your overweight cat, you should contact us to have a nutritional consultation.

What is offered during a nutritional consultation?

Your cat will get a comprehensive physical exam. We may recommend some blood testing to rule out non-nutritional causes of obesity. We will then work with you to establish a weight loss program based on diet modification and exercise.

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